Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Make Your Smile Brilliant With The Correct Whitener Teeth Whitening

Although teeth whitening is essentially a cosmetic procedure, most people with white teeth also have healthy teeth, which is the reason why the two do go together. Locating the ideal teeth whitener and developing a daily ritual is the single best method of accomplishing a gleaming smile. Find out underneath what we advise to get the very whitest teeth ever.

There is a teeth whitening kit you can use from your home that actually works. Dental hygiene has taken a more visible stance when looking at the quality of one’s overall health over the past few decades. We now know that many health related troubles may be prevented before they even begin, by being vigilant about brushing, flossing, and taking care of our teeth. The majority of folks with gleaming smiles really put a lot of work into caring for their teeth throughout the day. Among the most crucial parts of having a brilliant white smile is maintaining a consistent routine and utilizing the proper procedures to really make your teeth shine. How can you expect to have a flawless set of teeth unless you work at it?

Next, we’ll guide you through the process of caring for your teeth, what a daily routine consists of, and how to make your smile brilliant with the correct whitener.

Your Teeth

We need to go back to how teeth begin in order to totally understand how to ideally care for them. As young kids, our teeth are totally enclosed in a sturdy, porcelain-like enamel which serves as a barrier, safeguarding teeth. With the everyday stresses our teeth endure, the enamel gradually erodes and turns transparent. This lets the yellowish hue of your teeth’s dentin (what it is basically made of) become visible, and leads to a dull, ugly look. With repeated chewing, countless tiny crevices may develop over time. These crevices become filled with extra debris which lets stains develop, leading to possible cavities. Caring for your teeth and employing the right teeth whitening techniques can help get rid of this plaque build-up and the stains that are there, with a daily eating routine.

Pause a moment to consider what you put in your mouth every day. For most people, this includes up to four meals, plus additional snacks, and drinks. Do you often find yourself too weary at night to take the time to really brush your teeth prior to retiring to bed? Everyone is guilty of this, yet in order to have brighter and healthier teeth you must change this habit, and make brushing teeth a ritual.

We need to be real clear, teeth care is a continual process. As with showering or shaving, this is something you need to do each day to get perfect, white teeth. This is a change in your daily way of living that you need to do on your own. That’s not to say that you have to be in the bathroom brushing your teeth all the time, or chastising yourself if you skip a day or so, but a constant effort is required.

To sufficiently maintain your teeth, it’s better to perform your teeth regimen following breakfast, and prior to going to bed, after dinner at some point. This lets your teeth be clean most of the day, and while you are asleep, two huge portions of the average person’s life.

Our Advised Teeth Whitening & Cleaning System

Once more, we advise you to employ this system after you eat breakfast, before you begin your day, and after eating dinner, before you retire for the night. This requires approximately 15 additional minutes daily, thus you need to give yourself this extra time to adapt. After this becomes a ritual, it gets really easy, and you’ll see results in no time.

1. Begin with the use of a home teeth whitening kit for the recommended amount of time, typically around 5 or 10 minutes. We like to do this for starters, which lets you wipe off any additional whitener remaining on teeth and gums. Keep with us to find out which whitening product we recommend most.
2. Then, with a motorized toothbrush, extensively clean each tooth. This means the front, back, and underneath as well. Your tongue needs to be scrubbed well, too, just in case you forget!
3. Get a device for flossing, which is simpler to use than floss alone, and really intensively clean between every tooth. This becomes a key area for formation of cavities due to debris accumulating there and leads to staining between teeth too.
4. Finally, you need to rinse out your mouth with mouthwash to safeguard your clean teeth until you get a chance to brush again. This will add to the freshness of your breath which is always welcome.

What are the most effective teeth whitening products on the market?

To treat yourself with an additional dose of whiteness, we strongly suggest using a teeth whitening product in addition to your brushing. This enables you to increase your smile’s whiteness even further. We have experimented with almost every product out there ourselves, but with advances in technology, the old whiteners lose their appeal over the more efficient and user-friendly new products.

WHITE LIGHT™ Home Tooth Whitening System

One the newest and most effective teeth whitening products we have discovered on the internet and is known as the WHITE LIGHT™ Home Tooth Whitening System. Upon using for 10 days, the results were noticeable and dramatic. That is very astounding, since the teeth whitening kit was used by a person who had previously been using a different teeth whitening system before changing over.

We recommend: get whiter teeth QUICKLY with Light Technology!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Treatments Review

During the last decade, the teeth whitening field has changed considerably, both at home and within the dental office. There are basically two approaches to get your teeth looking whiter: in-office dental whitening and at-home treatment. Find out some secrets that your dentists will never let you know about teeth whitening.

Method #1: Dental (in-office) teeth whitening

Dentists are always thrilled to have a patient request an in-office teeth whitening procedure. There was only a single option that was available in the ’90s.

Your dentist would create a mold of the teeth, which would be sent off to a lab for 5-10 days before you would receive your teeth whitening mouthpiece. Then you would spend 1-2 hours in the dental chair as the teeth whitening molds were filled with low concentration peroxide and pressed against your teeth.

After three or four visits, you would be told your teeth were whiter and would be let go with a $500-$1000 bill. And obviously brighter teeth.

Over the past 10 years, dental office teeth whitening has improved dramatically. The current most-popular teeth whitening procedure is known as Laser Bleaching (aka Power Bleaching, Argon Bleaching, etc.), and is a shorter process.  During this procedure, a concentrated peroxide gel is applied to your teeth, and then you sit in the chair with your mouth open so that a light may be shined into your mouth to complete the process.

This procedure for teeth whitening is effective. Many dentists say that you can have a whiter smile by doing multiple applications, since the teeth whitening solution will have more contact with your teeth. The downside is the expense of the procedure, and the fact that you’ll need to either come back or take home some home whitening items. Why did you just spend all that money in office teeth whitening?

Luckily, thanks to modern technology, teeth whitening is cost effective and simpler!

Method #2: Home teeth whitening

In most cases, it is now possible to get the same teeth whitening effects at home as it is at a dental office. Office whitenings have been reduced by the advent of at-home procedures, although millions of advertising dollars still compete with the home procedures.

Teeth whitening was a complicated process, until a few years ago. For many people home teeth whitening was not a viable option, as it was too hard getting the fitted mouthpieces made for each person.

Essentially, there are 3 different home teeth whitening options available

Teeth whitening option #1 - brush-on whitening

This is a good concept, where you brush on the formula, allow it to dry, then leave it your teeth overnight. Does not sound complicated, right?

The truth is that this method is meant for people that want an easy shortcut without spending the time to do it right.

There are two main problems with brush on teeth whitening:

1. When you apply the teeth whitening formula, it should be allowed to dry on the teeth. This is okay in theory, however, if the teeth whitening formula gets wet, it’s easy to accidentally remove parts of the formula. And what do you think happens when only part of your teeth is rubbed with teeth whitening formula? That’s right - the whitening result is not there! You wind up with patches.

2. As far as I can see, the second disadvantage of brush-on teeth whitening is the ingredients. The leading ingredient of any leading brush-on whitener is alcohol. Your breath smells foul with alcohol! Most of these brush-on teeth whitening formulas also contain glycerin, which will dry the enamel of your teeth and cause increased tooth sensitivity.

Teeth whitening option #2 - strips you stick on your teeth

In second place within home whitening options comes whitening strips. The main draw of this teeth whitening option is ease of use, as they’re easy to use and there is no preparation. Again, shortcuts are preferred by everyone, correct? However, with teeth whitening you once again get what you put into it. Let us elaborate…

Whitening strips tend to be designed as two strips pressed against the outside of your teeth. Consider this for a moment … Are your teeth completely flat? No! There are recesses and grooves, especially between your teeth. Picture a freshly painted fence, only you didn’t paint the grooves between any of the boards. The fence would not look very pretty, would it? Even with nice paint on the outside, the grooves between the boards would still have the old, unwanted look.

Teeth whitening strips can cause this same effect to happen to your teeth. The dingy cracks become more obvious when your teeth become whiter. After awhile it appears that you have small holes between each tooth. This is definitely not the result you had been hoping for.

Teeth whitening option #3 - trays with bleaching gels

This option remains the best choice as far as being efficient and affordable. Now, let’s give you a few tips and secrets about teeth whitening.

Firstly, there is not much difference between the teeth whitening gels that are available with your dentist. There is not much difference between dentists, as there are very few manufacturers who produce the gels.

Secondly, the quality of the teeth whitening gels at retail stores is not great. Not only have they been sitting around for a potentially long time, but they are also at a low concentration due to their low cost. Many of these older teeth whitening gels use only a 16% concentration of carbamide peroxide.

What should be your next move after gaining this new teeth whitening knowledge?

There are four basic steps to ensuring you whiten your teeth to their full potential.

1. Brush your teeth with oxygenating toothpaste before whitening, as it will strengthen your gums and help with sensitivity. You can be positive, this way, that the whitening gel applies to the enamel of your tooth, instead of the plaque on it.

2. It’s best to use the strongest teeth whitening gel to make sure that your time whitening your teeth isn’t wasted. Using a 21% carbamide peroxide concentrated teeth whitening gel will reduce the sensitivity of your gums and teeth. This concentration percentage means that in a short period of time, the teeth will become whiter.

3. By using an oxygenating oral rinse, you can enhance the effect of the teeth whitening after treatment. Keep in mind that you should not use a mouthwash with alcohol in it because this can interfere with the bleaching process — plus, it dries out your mouth!

Lastly, this teeth whitening system should be followed for 5 continuous days. If you wish, you can even do the top and bottom arch separately, for comfort. It is GUARANTEED that your smile will be noticeably whiter after that.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Tooth Whitening To Keep White Teeth

In this article, you will find information regarding foods that are bad for your teeth and why this is so.

While savoring delicious candy bars and scarfing down potato chips, the effects these things are having on their teeth never crosses the minds of most people. You might be shocked to learn which foods are bad for your teeth and which foods are even worse. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, nasty organisms that live and thrive in your mouth. Unless you care for your teeth properly, bacteria will gorge themselves on plaque, the sticky substance that often remains on your teeth after you eat or drink anything. Some foods tend to deposit more plaque than others, while some foods actually fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay. To keep your teeth in great condition you must brush and floss regularly, but you should also eat certain foods and avoid others, whenever possible.

Many people believe that candy is the primary cause of tooth decay, but in reality any food that contains carbohydrates will cause plaque on your teeth. Potato chips can contribute largely to tooth decay. Potato chips leave plaque on teeth which bacteria feast on voraciously. Candy, along with any food that contains sugar, can promote tooth decay, but bacteria love carbohydrates. Of course, sugar is one type of carbohydrate, but potato based items provide the primary source of carbohydrates. If you do not brush your teeth each time you have potato chips or candy, the bacteria will have the opportunity to produce harmful acids in your mouth. If you do not stay away from foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, you will most likely have some type of tooth decay. You can fight bacteria by conscientiously brushing your teeth, but unless you take your toothbrush with you everywhere, bacteria will always be munching away.

Soda and coffee are thought by some experts to be instrumental in causing tooth decay. Although that may be true, the only thing that studies have proven with regard to coffee and sodas is that they WILL cause tooth stains unless proper care is taken. It is possible to purchase teeth whitening products that will help lighten the stains. And any over the counter product should provide similar results. It has never been simpler to whiten your teeth at home. Aside from causing stains, soda has not been shown to be any worse for your teeth than candy.

You can avoid tooth decay if you are very selective about the things you put in your mouth. If you take good care of your teeth and are vigilant about what you eat, you can be  certain that cavities and gum disease will never be issues for you. I realize that you will never totally give up candy and potato chips, but if you can limit the amount of these foods that you eat, you stand to benefit substantially. If you find it impossible to avoid them, your teeth whitening efforts will have to be diligent.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Foods That Help Keep Your Teeth Healthy Teeth Whitening Review

Foods that help fight tooth decay and keep your teeth white are discussed in this article.

Which foods keep your teeth healthy?
Everyone knows there are some foods that are not good for the teeth. Consuming food that contains high amounts of carbohydrates or sugar can produce unpleasant critters called bacteria, which like to eat on the bits we leave behind; while eating they generate an acid that leads to tooth decay. So after saying this, are you aware that there are foods that can really help battle this bacteria? Yes, certain foods can prevent these nasty animals from generating acids. Once you prevent the bacteria from producing acid, you can have a pretty smile and a healthy mouth.

Bacteria in the mouth can be battled using celery. Besides celery’s most noticeable advantage, which is that it is beneficial for you, celery also makes you chew more and produce extra saliva. When you create saliva, you kill the bad bacteria found in the mouth. Celery doesn’t have a good taste, but you could think about eating it as snack instead of potato chips, which is the most known plaque creator that bacteria hunger for. The extra water that celery contains also is a method of cleaning your teeth when you eat; it is a way of brushing naturally.

Additional onions and Shiitake mushrooms are ways to eliminate bacteria. As you eat a raw onion, the substances contained in onions do their best to destroy those irritating teeth eaters. You might have to put up with smelly breath, but the advantages of your teeth being healthy are worth the trouble and you can chew gum after this. Shiitake Mushrooms perform a similar function. They might not destroy the bacteria, but they prevent it from creating plaque which will sooner or later, if you don’t take care of your teeth, turn into cavities which hurt a lot.

The most tasty choice would be cheese, a food that also contains some elements that will help your teeth. Cheese makes the mouth produce more saliva, which can destroy the bad bacteria found in the mouth. Cheese can prevent your teeth from being discolored. Your teeth are saved from becoming stained with this protective wall that is provided.

People all over the globe suffer from stains and discoloration. There are some foods found at home that can assist in whitening the teeth, for instance, oranges and strawberries. Try brushing your teeth daily with strawberries and then rubbing the skin from an orange rind against your teeth. You can try products such as tooth gel, but the occasional side effects can outweigh the benefits. It is  easier and not as harmful to just search and use what you see in your home that can help your teeth.

It is a good thing to find that the foods you are eating are good for your teeth and your body. The benefits of consuming raw onions are worth it, even though you might not like eating them. With all of the knowledge we have right now, we can maintain white teeth for the remainder of our lifetimes. The nicest way to have white and clean teeth is by consuming these foods. Since everyone has to eat, why not try foods that are good for your brain, body, and your teeth?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Foods That Help Teeth Whitening Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Foods that help fight tooth decay and keep your teeth white are discussed in this article.

Which foods keep your teeth healthy?
Everyone knows there are some foods that are not good for the teeth. Consuming food that contains high amounts of carbohydrates or sugar can produce unpleasant critters called bacteria, which like to eat on the bits we leave behind; while eating they generate an acid that leads to tooth decay. So after saying this, are you aware that there are foods that can really help battle this bacteria? Yes, certain foods can prevent these nasty animals from generating acids. Once you prevent the bacteria from producing acid, you can have a pretty smile and a healthy mouth.

Bacteria in the mouth can be battled using celery. Besides celery’s most noticeable advantage, which is that it is beneficial for you, celery also makes you chew more and produce extra saliva. When you create saliva, you kill the bad bacteria found in the mouth. Celery doesn’t have a good taste, but you could think about eating it as snack instead of potato chips, which is the most known plaque creator that bacteria hunger for. The extra water that celery contains also is a method of cleaning your teeth when you eat; it is a way of brushing naturally.

Additional onions and Shiitake mushrooms are ways to eliminate bacteria. As you eat a raw onion, the substances contained in onions do their best to destroy those irritating teeth eaters. You might have to put up with smelly breath, but the advantages of your teeth being healthy are worth the trouble and you can chew gum after this. Shiitake Mushrooms perform a similar function. They might not destroy the bacteria, but they prevent it from creating plaque which will sooner or later, if you don’t take care of your teeth, turn into cavities which hurt a lot.

The most tasty choice would be cheese, a food that also contains some elements that will help your teeth. Cheese makes the mouth produce more saliva, which can destroy the bad bacteria found in the mouth. Cheese can prevent your teeth from being discolored. Your teeth are saved from becoming stained with this protective wall that is provided.

People all over the globe suffer from stains and discoloration. There are some foods found at home that can assist in whitening the teeth, for instance, oranges and strawberries. Try brushing your teeth daily with strawberries and then rubbing the skin from an orange rind against your teeth. You can try products such as tooth gel, but the occasional side effects can outweigh the benefits. It is  easier and not as harmful to just search and use what you see in your home that can help your teeth.

It is a good thing to find that the foods you are eating are good for your teeth and your body. The benefits of consuming raw onions are worth it, even though you might not like eating them. With all of the knowledge we have right now, we can maintain white teeth for the remainder of our lifetimes. The nicest way to have white and clean teeth is by consuming these foods. Since everyone has to eat, why not try foods that are good for your brain, body, and your teeth?

How To Make Your Smile Tooth Whitening Brilliant With The Correct Whitener

Although teeth whitening is essentially a cosmetic procedure, most people with white teeth also have healthy teeth, which is the reason why the two do go together. Locating the ideal teeth whitener and developing a daily ritual is the single best method of accomplishing a gleaming smile. Find out underneath what we advise to get the very whitest teeth ever.

There is a teeth whitening kit you can use from your home that actually works. Dental hygiene has taken a more visible stance when looking at the quality of one’s overall health over the past few decades. We now know that many health related troubles may be prevented before they even begin, by being vigilant about brushing, flossing, and taking care of our teeth. The majority of folks with gleaming smiles really put a lot of work into caring for their teeth throughout the day. Among the most crucial parts of having a brilliant white smile is maintaining a consistent routine and utilizing the proper procedures to really make your teeth shine. How can you expect to have a flawless set of teeth unless you work at it?

Next, we’ll guide you through the process of caring for your teeth, what a daily routine consists of, and how to make your smile brilliant with the correct whitener.

Your Teeth

We need to go back to how teeth begin in order to totally understand how to ideally care for them. As young kids, our teeth are totally enclosed in a sturdy, porcelain-like enamel which serves as a barrier, safeguarding teeth. With the everyday stresses our teeth endure, the enamel gradually erodes and turns transparent. This lets the yellowish hue of your teeth’s dentin (what it is basically made of) become visible, and leads to a dull, ugly look. With repeated chewing, countless tiny crevices may develop over time. These crevices become filled with extra debris which lets stains develop, leading to possible cavities. Caring for your teeth and employing the right teeth whitening techniques can help get rid of this plaque build-up and the stains that are there, with a daily eating routine.

Pause a moment to consider what you put in your mouth every day. For most people, this includes up to four meals, plus additional snacks, and drinks. Do you often find yourself too weary at night to take the time to really brush your teeth prior to retiring to bed? Everyone is guilty of this, yet in order to have brighter and healthier teeth you must change this habit, and make brushing teeth a ritual.

We need to be real clear, teeth care is a continual process. As with showering or shaving, this is something you need to do each day to get perfect, white teeth. This is a change in your daily way of living that you need to do on your own. That’s not to say that you have to be in the bathroom brushing your teeth all the time, or chastising yourself if you skip a day or so, but a constant effort is required.

To sufficiently maintain your teeth, it’s better to perform your teeth regimen following breakfast, and prior to going to bed, after dinner at some point. This lets your teeth be clean most of the day, and while you are asleep, two huge portions of the average person’s life.

Our Advised Teeth Whitening & Cleaning System

Once more, we advise you to employ this system after you eat breakfast, before you begin your day, and after eating dinner, before you retire for the night. This requires approximately 15 additional minutes daily, thus you need to give yourself this extra time to adapt. After this becomes a ritual, it gets really easy, and you’ll see results in no time.

1. Begin with the use of a home teeth whitening kit for the recommended amount of time, typically around 5 or 10 minutes. We like to do this for starters, which lets you wipe off any additional whitener remaining on teeth and gums. Keep with us to find out which whitening product we recommend most.
2. Then, with a motorized toothbrush, extensively clean each tooth. This means the front, back, and underneath as well. Your tongue needs to be scrubbed well, too, just in case you forget!
3. Get a device for flossing, which is simpler to use than floss alone, and really intensively clean between every tooth. This becomes a key area for formation of cavities due to debris accumulating there and leads to staining between teeth too.
4. Finally, you need to rinse out your mouth with mouthwash to safeguard your clean teeth until you get a chance to brush again. This will add to the freshness of your breath which is always welcome.

What are the most effective teeth whitening products on the market?

To treat yourself with an additional dose of whiteness, we strongly suggest using a teeth whitening product in addition to your brushing. This enables you to increase your smile’s whiteness even further. We have experimented with almost every product out there ourselves, but with advances in technology, the old whiteners lose their appeal over the more efficient and user-friendly new products.

WHITE LIGHT™ Home Tooth Whitening System

One the newest and most effective teeth whitening products we have discovered on the internet and is known as the WHITE LIGHT™ Home Tooth Whitening System. Upon using for 10 days, the results were noticeable and dramatic. That is very astounding, since the teeth whitening kit was used by a person who had previously been using a different teeth whitening system before changing over.

We recommend: get whiter teeth QUICKLY with Light Technology!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Treatments Review

During the last decade, the teeth whitening field has changed considerably, both at home and within the dental office. There are basically two approaches to get your teeth looking whiter: in-office dental whitening and at-home treatment. Find out some secrets that your dentists will never let you know about teeth whitening.

Method #1: Dental (in-office) teeth whitening

Dentists are always thrilled to have a patient request an in-office teeth whitening procedure. There was only a single option that was available in the ’90s.

Your dentist would create a mold of the teeth, which would be sent off to a lab for 5-10 days before you would receive your teeth whitening mouthpiece. Then you would spend 1-2 hours in the dental chair as the teeth whitening molds were filled with low concentration peroxide and pressed against your teeth.

After three or four visits, you would be told your teeth were whiter and would be let go with a $500-$1000 bill. And obviously brighter teeth.

Over the past 10 years, dental office teeth whitening has improved dramatically. The current most-popular teeth whitening procedure is known as Laser Bleaching (aka Power Bleaching, Argon Bleaching, etc.), and is a shorter process.  During this procedure, a concentrated peroxide gel is applied to your teeth, and then you sit in the chair with your mouth open so that a light may be shined into your mouth to complete the process.

This procedure for teeth whitening is effective. Many dentists say that you can have a whiter smile by doing multiple applications, since the teeth whitening solution will have more contact with your teeth. The downside is the expense of the procedure, and the fact that you’ll need to either come back or take home some home whitening items. Why did you just spend all that money in office teeth whitening?

Luckily, thanks to modern technology, teeth whitening is cost effective and simpler!

Method #2: Home teeth whitening

In most cases, it is now possible to get the same teeth whitening effects at home as it is at a dental office. Office whitenings have been reduced by the advent of at-home procedures, although millions of advertising dollars still compete with the home procedures.

Teeth whitening was a complicated process, until a few years ago. For many people home teeth whitening was not a viable option, as it was too hard getting the fitted mouthpieces made for each person.

Essentially, there are 3 different home teeth whitening options available

Teeth whitening option #1 - brush-on whitening

This is a good concept, where you brush on the formula, allow it to dry, then leave it your teeth overnight. Does not sound complicated, right?

The truth is that this method is meant for people that want an easy shortcut without spending the time to do it right.

There are two main problems with brush on teeth whitening:

1. When you apply the teeth whitening formula, it should be allowed to dry on the teeth. This is okay in theory, however, if the teeth whitening formula gets wet, it’s easy to accidentally remove parts of the formula. And what do you think happens when only part of your teeth is rubbed with teeth whitening formula? That’s right - the whitening result is not there! You wind up with patches.

2. As far as I can see, the second disadvantage of brush-on teeth whitening is the ingredients. The leading ingredient of any leading brush-on whitener is alcohol. Your breath smells foul with alcohol! Most of these brush-on teeth whitening formulas also contain glycerin, which will dry the enamel of your teeth and cause increased tooth sensitivity.

Teeth whitening option #2 - strips you stick on your teeth

In second place within home whitening options comes whitening strips. The main draw of this teeth whitening option is ease of use, as they’re easy to use and there is no preparation. Again, shortcuts are preferred by everyone, correct? However, with teeth whitening you once again get what you put into it. Let us elaborate…

Whitening strips tend to be designed as two strips pressed against the outside of your teeth. Consider this for a moment … Are your teeth completely flat? No! There are recesses and grooves, especially between your teeth. Picture a freshly painted fence, only you didn’t paint the grooves between any of the boards. The fence would not look very pretty, would it? Even with nice paint on the outside, the grooves between the boards would still have the old, unwanted look.

Teeth whitening strips can cause this same effect to happen to your teeth. The dingy cracks become more obvious when your teeth become whiter. After awhile it appears that you have small holes between each tooth. This is definitely not the result you had been hoping for.

Teeth whitening option #3 - trays with bleaching gels

This option remains the best choice as far as being efficient and affordable. Now, let’s give you a few tips and secrets about teeth whitening.

Firstly, there is not much difference between the teeth whitening gels that are available with your dentist. There is not much difference between dentists, as there are very few manufacturers who produce the gels.

Secondly, the quality of the teeth whitening gels at retail stores is not great. Not only have they been sitting around for a potentially long time, but they are also at a low concentration due to their low cost. Many of these older teeth whitening gels use only a 16% concentration of carbamide peroxide.

What should be your next move after gaining this new teeth whitening knowledge?

There are four basic steps to ensuring you whiten your teeth to their full potential.

1. Brush your teeth with oxygenating toothpaste before whitening, as it will strengthen your gums and help with sensitivity. You can be positive, this way, that the whitening gel applies to the enamel of your tooth, instead of the plaque on it.

2. It’s best to use the strongest teeth whitening gel to make sure that your time whitening your teeth isn’t wasted. Using a 21% carbamide peroxide concentrated teeth whitening gel will reduce the sensitivity of your gums and teeth. This concentration percentage means that in a short period of time, the teeth will become whiter.

3. By using an oxygenating oral rinse, you can enhance the effect of the teeth whitening after treatment. Keep in mind that you should not use a mouthwash with alcohol in it because this can interfere with the bleaching process — plus, it dries out your mouth!

Lastly, this teeth whitening system should be followed for 5 continuous days. If you wish, you can even do the top and bottom arch separately, for comfort. It is GUARANTEED that your smile will be noticeably whiter after that.

Teeth Whitening Review How To Keep White Teeth

In this article, you will find information regarding foods that are bad for your teeth and why this is so.

While savoring delicious candy bars and scarfing down potato chips, the effects these things are having on their teeth never crosses the minds of most people. You might be shocked to learn which foods are bad for your teeth and which foods are even worse. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, nasty organisms that live and thrive in your mouth. Unless you care for your teeth properly, bacteria will gorge themselves on plaque, the sticky substance that often remains on your teeth after you eat or drink anything. Some foods tend to deposit more plaque than others, while some foods actually fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay. To keep your teeth in great condition you must brush and floss regularly, but you should also eat certain foods and avoid others, whenever possible.

Many people believe that candy is the primary cause of tooth decay, but in reality any food that contains carbohydrates will cause plaque on your teeth. Potato chips can contribute largely to tooth decay. Potato chips leave plaque on teeth which bacteria feast on voraciously. Candy, along with any food that contains sugar, can promote tooth decay, but bacteria love carbohydrates. Of course, sugar is one type of carbohydrate, but potato based items provide the primary source of carbohydrates. If you do not brush your teeth each time you have potato chips or candy, the bacteria will have the opportunity to produce harmful acids in your mouth. If you do not stay away from foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, you will most likely have some type of tooth decay. You can fight bacteria by conscientiously brushing your teeth, but unless you take your toothbrush with you everywhere, bacteria will always be munching away.

Soda and coffee are thought by some experts to be instrumental in causing tooth decay. Although that may be true, the only thing that studies have proven with regard to coffee and sodas is that they WILL cause tooth stains unless proper care is taken. It is possible to purchase teeth whitening products that will help lighten the stains. And any over the counter product should provide similar results. It has never been simpler to whiten your teeth at home. Aside from causing stains, soda has not been shown to be any worse for your teeth than candy.

You can avoid tooth decay if you are very selective about the things you put in your mouth. If you take good care of your teeth and are vigilant about what you eat, you can be  certain that cavities and gum disease will never be issues for you. I realize that you will never totally give up candy and potato chips, but if you can limit the amount of these foods that you eat, you stand to benefit substantially. If you find it impossible to avoid them, your teeth whitening efforts will have to be diligent.

Would You Tooth Whitening Like To White Teeth In Only 10 Minutes?

Would you like to learn how sparkling white teeth are attained by millions in only minutes? While many people spend lots of time making sure that their hair, makeup and skin look just so, they often neglect their teeth, and it never even crosses their minds to try to whiten their teeth. The result is bad breath, stained teeth, and cavities! In addition, these people rarely visit the dentist due to the expense involved in all the necessary dental work. These people choose to live with their yellow teeth and halitosis. But you don’t have to follow suit! In just a few seconds, Teeth Whitening Tips can quickly and simply make your teeth pearly white again.

Yellow teeth are a huge problem!

Your personal and professional lives can suffer if you have yellow stained teeth, which is the reason that professional business people usually have bright, white teeth. What causes all those stains on your teeth? You can leave permanent stains on your teeth by consuming tea, colas, and coffee. You cannot brush this type of stain away. Stained teeth give those with whom you come in contact the impression that you do not use proper hygiene. Even if this is not a conscious decision on their part, subconsciously they may decide that they’d rather not date you or they will pass you up for a promotion… just because of your teeth!

Halitosis is Even Worse!

Do you wonder why people might lean away from you when you speak to them? If you notice this, you might have bad breath. A problem that is serious, having bad breath in your professional and personal life can be detrimental. People may stand apart from you, try not to have to speak with you and your loved ones may even try to avoid kissing you! At any price you have got to avoid bad breath.

Going to the Dentist is Costly!

As if stained teeth and halitosis are not enough, your teeth are probably also covered with lots of accumulated plaque and tartar. Although this can cause cavities and tooth pain, many people choose to suffer rather than paying the high costs involved in dental care. Plaque and tartar need to be dealt with in some way.

What is the fix?

WHITE LIGHT™ Home Tooth Whitening System is the fastest, simplest and least costly method of treating stained teeth, halitosis, and plaque and tartar. They are easy like magic to use!

The following are things that the WL Home Teeth Whitening System does:

* Cleans your teeth, removing the yellow stains
* Is simple to apply and can be used at home
* Battles plaque and removes tartar
* Destroys bacteria that cause halitosis.
Buy the WL Teeth Whitening kits for a fraction of the hundreds you spend at the dentist. You don’t have to leave home to use them, and they don’t hurt at all! It’s now your turn to use Home Teeth Whitening kits, as millions have in order to make their teeth beautiful.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Supersmile Professional Teeth Whitening Tooth Whitening System

US $22.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Oct-07-2009 6:18:35 PDT
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Supersmile Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Accelerator+2gum

US $24.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Oct-06-2009 6:52:10 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $27.99
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56 Crest Whitestrips Classic Teeth Dental Tooth Whitening Whitening Kit

US $22.49 (9 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Oct-06-2009 13:27:01 PDT
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Teeth Whitening Gel (10 Syringes 22%) Tooth Bleaching Teeth Whitening

US $17.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Oct-04-2009 13:14:19 PDT
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Tooth Whitening Safe Easy Original White Light Teeth Whitening System

US $14.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Oct-04-2009 9:22:54 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $21.95
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35% Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Tooth Teeth Whitening Gel Kit

US $9.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Oct-06-2009 8:42:13 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $9.95
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Celebrity Teeth Whitening Smilebrite Teeth Whitening Pen Nib

US $11.61 (4 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Oct-04-2009 12:41:42 PDT
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

30cc- 35% Tooth Teeth Tooth Whitening Whitener Whitening Gel Bleach

US $6.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Oct-04-2009 3:30:16 PDT
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At Home Tooth Tooth Whitening Teeth Whitener Whitening System Kit New!!

US $9.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Monday Oct-05-2009 8:26:10 PDT
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Listerine Teeth Whitening Tooth Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips 12/09

US $19.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Monday Oct-05-2009 17:14:59 PDT
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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Aquafresh White Trays Pro Gentle System Teeth Teeth Whitening Whitening

US $9.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Saturday Oct-03-2009 17:18:43 PDT
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Teeth Whitening 35% Plasma Tooth Teeth Whitener Whitening Kit 10cc

US $4.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Oct-02-2009 8:00:17 PDT
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Teeth Whitening 22% Tooth Teeth Whitener Whitening Kit 10cc=40apps

US $2.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Oct-02-2009 13:00:40 PDT
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Professional Tooth Teeth Teeth Whitening Whitening Product System New

US $9.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Oct-02-2009 9:04:04 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $9.95
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Gel Teeth Whitening Review Syringes (20) Teeth Whitening 35% Tooth Bleaching

US $36.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Oct-02-2009 10:39:03 PDT
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Dazzlesmile Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Kit

US $45.00 (0 Bid)
End Date: Saturday Oct-03-2009 2:40:41 PDT
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

36%_teeth_tooth_whitening_kit_dental Teeth Whitening *blowout_sale*

US $2.51 (0 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 17:30:02 PDT
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Literine 56 Teeth Whitening Review Teeth Whitening Strips Brand New!!!!!!!!!!!

US $14.50 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Oct-02-2009 20:55:11 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $16.50
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Teeth Whitening Review Whitelight Tooth Teeth Whitening System -10min Only

US $3.87 (0 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 9:14:50 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $3.97
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Teeth Whitening Kit 35% (3 Syringes) Teeth Whitening Review Tooth Bleaching

US $11.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 7:11:17 PDT
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Teeth Tooth Bleaching Teeth Whitening Whitening Oral Dental Clean Stick

US $0.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 10:40:43 PDT
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60cc- 35% Tooth Whitening Tooth Teeth Whitener Whitening Gel Bleach

US $11.69 (0 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 6:30:03 PDT
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35% Plasma Tooth Teeth Whitener Whitening Kit 10cc Teeth Whitening

US $4.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-30-2009 8:00:07 PDT
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teeth Whitening Kit 35% + Free Toothbrush Teeth Whitening Review Best On Ebay.

US $7.89 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-29-2009 12:23:05 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $7.92
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New Teeth Dental Whitening Gel 16% Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Review

US $9.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-29-2009 18:30:34 PDT
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Teeth Whitening Kit Teeth Whitening 22% (10 Syringes) Tooth Bleaching

US $21.95 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-29-2009 7:54:17 PDT
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White Light Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Whitener System Seen On Tv

US $0.86 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-29-2009 3:44:22 PDT
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Crest Whitestrips Classic Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening 56 Strips '11

US $9.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Sep-27-2009 18:43:33 PDT
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New White Light Tooth Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Review System Kit

US $12.74 (0 Bid)
End Date: Monday Sep-28-2009 11:30:50 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $14.33
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Teeth Tooth Teeth Whitening Bleaching Whitening Oral Dental Clean Stick

US $1.50 (6 Bids)
End Date: Monday Sep-28-2009 2:47:09 PDT
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Crest Advanced Teeth Whitening Seal Whitestrips Whitening Teeth Strips

US $22.00 (24 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-27-2009 18:00:12 PDT
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New Whitelight Tooth Teeth Whitening Whitener System Teeth Whitening

US $3.25 (4 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-27-2009 19:43:47 PDT
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60cc- Tooth Whitening 22% Tooth Teeth Whitener Whitening Gel Bleach

US $11.69 (0 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Sep-27-2009 7:00:34 PDT
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3 Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Pens

US $39.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Monday Sep-28-2009 16:54:03 PDT
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

23% *40cc* Plasma Light Teeth Whitening Whitener Kit Teeth Whitening

US $13.02 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 17:00:21 PDT
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56 Crest Whitestrips Classic Teeth Teeth Whitening Review Dental Whitening Kit

US $12.50 (10 Bids)
End Date: Friday Sep-25-2009 13:44:48 PDT
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Teeth Whitening Trays Tooth Whitening

US $1.79 (5 Bids)
End Date: Friday Sep-25-2009 21:33:08 PDT
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Natural White Pro Complete Tooth Tooth Whitening Teeth Whitening Set

US $9.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 19:32:42 PDT
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Teeth Whitening Tooth Whitener Teeth Whitening Professional Dental Kit

US $3.69 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 4:24:34 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $3.99
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Super Smile Quikee Teeth Teeth Whitening Review Whitening Kit

US $1.50 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 17:01:42 PDT
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

23%_teeth_tooth_whitening_kit_dental Tooth Whitening *blowout_sale*

US $2.53 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 18:00:49 PDT
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Chicflic Tooth Whitening Togo Teeth Whitening Pen And Lip Shine Plumper

US $5.00 (0 Bid)
End Date: Friday Sep-25-2009 6:59:23 PDT
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36%_teeth_tooth_whitening_kit_dental *blowout_sale Tooth Whitening*

US $2.53 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Sep-24-2009 17:30:16 PDT
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

42 Crest Supreme Pro Tooth Whitening Whitestrips Teeth Whitening Strips

US $24.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-22-2009 19:51:55 PDT
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Teeth Teeth Whitening Whitening Kits 30 Wow Smile Express Whiteners

US $10.00 (0 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-22-2009 12:56:35 PDT
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